How to Develop a Winning Ecommerce Content Marketing Strategy

By Steven Warner
How to Develop a Winning Ecommerce Content Marketing Strategy

Your content, no matter how well-written, can mean nothing without the right marketing strategy.

You might have the most compelling, thought-provoking piece out there, but it wouldn’t matter if the right people cant come across it.

Hence, content marketing does not start and end with the content alone. You should also consider how you can promote so that most of your audience can come across it.

Why is Content Marketing Strategy Important?

The whole point of creating content is for it to be seen, read, heard, and shared.

Moreover, research has shown that brands who develop their content strategy consider their content marketing efforts to be more successful in general.

At VoyMedia Advertising Agency NYC, we always tell our clients to think of their content strategy as your “why.” Why are they creating content in the first place, who is it for, how will you help out people in ways no one else can?

Most brands and organizations have been using content marketing to build their audience, boost their revenues, and acquire quality customers.

In this post, we’ll walk you through the steps on how you can create a winning content marketing strategy:

1. Document Your Goals

Quite contrary to popular belief, content marketing can impact your bottom line. Meaning your content can help you generate more money or revenue.

But the thing about content effectiveness is that it isn’t always easy to measure. That’s why a lot of people end up disappointed.

Although quick results are expected, in reality, your content is a long-term strategy.

Now, with that in mind, you must set your goals.

You can create a box or list called business objectives, then add 1-2 main goals along with 3 or 4 secondary goals.

Here’s an example:

Primary Goals:

  • Boost newsletter sign-ups
  • Increase the number of people who started their free trial

Secondary Goals:

  • Increase Twitter followers
  • Boost search engine rankings
  • Boost traffic

2. Research Audience Needs

Every piece of content that you create should have someone in mind.

Customers will likely purchase if it’s a brand that they can identify with. That’s why a brand should have a thorough understanding of their audience.

Understanding your audience includes essential factors like age, gender, education level, and income. But it goes beyond that. What does your audience want? What particular problems are they facing?

How does your product or service solve their problems?

The most important thing here is not to assume. You need to research your current audience and see who are the ones who are engaged with your brand.

You can also create online surveys and send them to your potential audience. That way, you can generate a reader profile based on the survey results.

Although most of your audience won’t fit in a single category, doing your research allows you to create an “ideal buyer persona.” Moreover, you don’t stick to one persona.

3. Keyword Research

Now that you have a more concrete understanding of your target audience, it’s time to place yourself in their shoes.

What are they searching for when they need your product or service? Come up with keywords that are relevant to your brand, along with other variations.

As long as you know your niche, you can draw out other possible terms that you can offer. Then, you can integrate these keywords into your content.

Here are the following reasons why you should:

  • Incorporating keywords into a blog and other content is excellent for SEO and generating organic traffic.
  • It allows your audience to know whether they found the content that they need before moving on.
  • Finally, this establishes your brand as an authority in your niche.

By leveraging Google scraping techniques, you can stay ahead of the curve and continuously refine your keyword strategy based on the evolving search landscape.

4. Create Effective Content

What type of content will your target audience respond to? If most of your audience will read your blog posts, make videos worth your time and energy?

If they prefer how-to guides, will you spend hours creating case studies?

Knowing the most effective content for your audience starts with some trial and error; however, utilizing an AI writer can expedite this process and provide valuable insights based on web analytics, helping you optimize your content marketing strategy. That way, you’ll know the best content that works for you and your content marketing strategy.

Here are the different types of content that you can pick from:

  • Infographics
  • Blogs and articles
  • Ebooks and whitepapers
  • Videos
  • Social media posts
  • Podcasts
  • Newsletters
  • Webinars and e-courses

5. Create a Content Calendar

Lack of planning on your end leads to costly mistakes. That’s why you must have a content calendar to schedule your content. There are various ways that you can do this.

For instance, you can use Google Calendar to place due dates for every piece of content you create. This is the more straightforward approach. But if you’re publishing much content and managing a content team, you’ll likely want to have more features.

You can use productivity and task management tools like Asana or an editorial calendar tool like CoSchedule.

6. Stay Consistent

To know whether your content strategy is effective or not is to stay consistent.

If you’re publishing at least one post monthly on Facebook, then it isn’t surprising that your Facebook isn’t growing that quickly.

That’s why it’s ideal for creating a content schedule and then sticking to it.

7. Track and Analyze Results

Whether you’re crafting content weekly, monthly, or quarterly, you should regularly track and analyze results.

Doing so allows you to monitor views and click rates. You can also read customer comments and responses, which will enable you to analyze your content marketing efforts’ results. That way, you’ll know what’s useful from what’s not.

Over to You

There’s no doubt that developing a content marketing strategy is challenging. However, all your efforts will likely pay off.

So, get down with your plan. Organize and start planning how you’ll hit your goals. Then, follow the tips stated above to make your strategy come to fruition.

Ideally, you should have a well laid out strategy for you to implement them effectively.

Just put in the hard work and the effort, and your content marketing efforts will yield better results in the long run. Good luck!

By Steven Warner

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